Welcome To Propuse Immigration
Removal Order
A Removal Order is a document that orders you to leave Canada. There are several situations where you may be issued a removal order:
- Refugee claim has been refused, and a conditional removal order comes in effect shortly after.
- Your appeal at the Immigration Appeal Division or the Immigration Division has failed, and a removal order is issued after the hearing.
- You receive a removal order from the CBSA.
If you receive a removal order, it is important to contact a professional for advice on the next steps.
Types Of Removal Orders:
- you must leave Canada in 30 days AND confirm your departure with the CBSA when you leave Canada
- If you do not leave Canada within the 30 days OR if you do not confirm your departure with CBSA, the departure order will become a deportation order.
- you must leave Canada and confirm your departure with CBSA when you exit Canada.
- Based on the grounds for the exclusion order, you will be barred from returning to Canada for a period between one to five years.
- you must leave Canada and confirm your departure with CBSA.
- if you do not leave Canada, CBSA will arrange for your removal.
- If you leave Canada under a deportation order, you will require an Authorization to Re-Enter (ARC) to return to Canada.
If you fear return to your home country, you can make an application for a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment to have the risks determined before you are removed from Canada.
Challenging Removal Orders
The CRS ranks eligible candidates for immigration to Canada through Express Entry. The CRS ranks candidates based of the following factors: